Drs. Krigolson and Binsted to speak in November
Olave Krigolson, PhD
Associate Professor, Neuroscience
University of Victoria
Olave Krigolson’s recent work focuses on exploring the use of mobile electroencephalography (EEG) to track dementia, cognitive fatigue, and overall brain health and performance.
Dean, Health and Social Sciences
University of British Columbia Okanagan
Gord Binsted’s work focuses on using methods such as EEG to better understand the control of human movement. Gord also has a background in computational neuroscience.
Dr. Joan Han to speak in October
Director, UT-Le Bonheur Pediatric Obesity Center
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
The goal of my translational research program is to gain insight into the neuroendocrine regulation of human energy homeostasis and cognitive function. My clinical studies focus on the genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors that influence the development of obesity and responses to obesity treatments. I study both general forms of obesity as well as rare genetic disorders associated with obesity and intellectual, psychiatric, or behavioral abnormalities.
The focus of my laboratory investigations is elucidation of the mechanisms by which these genetic variants alter metabolism and neurodevelopment. Since my arrival at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in July 2014, I have established a multidisciplinary weight management program at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital for children with common and rare forms of obesity that integrates patient care and research investigations with the aim of developing personalized treatments based on individual genetic and phenotypic characteristics.
During my 10 years at the NIH, I developed expertise in providing clinical care and conducting metabolic/neurocognitive research for patients with Alström, Bardet-Biedl, and Prader-Willi syndromes, hypothalamic injury-related obesity, and monogenic defects of the leptin signaling pathway, including LEPR, POMC, and MC4R mutations.
Dr. Helen Kamens to speak in September
Assistant Professor of Biobehavioral Health
The Pennsylvania State University
Helen Kamens focuses on identification of genetic and environmental mechanisms that contribute to complex behaviors with a special emphasis on alcohol and tobacco use. Current research utilizes genetic, pharmacological, and neuroscience tools to 1. Understand the biological basis that predisposes an individual to use drugs, 2. The biological consequences of using drugs, and 3. Environment exposures, in particular stress exposure during adolescence, that increase the likelihood of future drug use.
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